I am so excited! I was asked to participate in this blogger challenge with Dixie Outlet Mall. I received a $200 Dixie Outlet Mall gift card to put together an outfit (or two) from any of the Dixie retailers!!! Who wouldn’t be excited about that? Plus, what girl doesn’t like to shop?!
My first assessment was to “discover my wild side” by taking a 1 minute quiz at www.DixieWildSide.com to find out which shopping persona I am. Each shopping persona reveals what kind of deal huntress you really are when you shop. Out of the 6 animals, can you guess which one I turned out to be?
The Lion: Fiercely fashion forward with an untamed sense of style. You’re proud to take care of the shopping for the whole family. It’s not hard to see why everyone knows your the queen of the jungle.
The Eagle: Soaring through the mall, you hunt efficiently. You know what you love and you zero in on fresh finds. You’re always first to swoop in on the best deals with the greatest of ease.
The Swan: You’re elegant with natural grace. You float from store to store before settling on just anything. Your selective style glows with soft colours and flowing fabrics.
The Peacock: Your colourful ways are sure to catch the eyes and envy of everyone around. Daring, bright, and bold-you’re ready to fly your fashion feathers no matter the occasion.
The Wolf: You’re leader of the pack when it comes to navigating through the mall with a group of friends. Your fellow wolves seek out your deal finding expertise because the opinion of the group is always in style.
I am the…….
I wasn’t surprised at all when I saw I was “THE WOLF”. My sister always wants to come with me when I go shopping because I usually find the deals! I always map out my route too. Hit the stores that I love first and if I still have time I will check out the others. lol
If you want to find out which shopping persona animal you would be, take the quiz yourself. Then, at the end you can enter to win a $1000 shopping spree to Dixie Outlet Mall!
Today I am heading to Dixie Outlet Mall on the hunt to find the perfect outfit (or two) at a great deal! I can’t wait to get shopping! Wish me luck!
Oh and keep an eye out on the blog for an aaaaamazing giveaway I have coming up. You can win a $200 gift card to Dixie Outlet Mall!
Looking forward to seeing your picks! 🙂
Hope you'll check out mine too http://inmy30sanditstime.com/2015/08/12/blogger-challenge-she-who-hunts-finds-round-2-at-dixie-outlet-mall-week-1/
Thanks! I can't wait to check out yours as well! 🙂