2.) DVD PLAYER– If you don’t have one already installed in your vehicle, you can buy one that plugs into your car charger. The screens strap right to the headrest. Another option would be to buy a portable DVD player. We actually got these from my parents last Christmas from Canadian Tire and absolutely love them! We don’t have them installed all the time, we just bring them out for long drives so the kids can watch movies. For this trip we brought a few of their favourite movies and TV shows that they could watch on the drive.
3.) SNACKS and DRINKS-I packed a lot of snacks and drinks!!! Yes, it’s always fun to pick up a snack here and there when you stop for gas, but they are a bit pricey. You may also not find the healthiest items, so I wanted to pack my own. For drinks, I brought plenty of water and a couple of Sippy cups of milk for my daughter. I brought a thermos type cup for my son. For snacks, I packed fruit, cheese, crackers, veggies, raisins and granola bars.
4.) TOYS and BOOKS– For toys, I made sure to bring ones that didn’t have a lot of little parts, so they wouldn’t get lost in the car. My son wanted to bring a couple of his monster trucks and a couple of his favourite books. For my daughter, I packed a few of her squeaky toys, a soft baby book, and her bear that lights up and plays songs.
5.) SING SONGS– I made a list of songs that we sing at home with the kids to sing together in the car. We sang itsy bitsy spider, twinkle twinkle little star, you are my sunshine, the wheels on the bus etc..
6.) GAMES– One of my son’s favourite games to play is “I spy” so we made sure to play that for a bit on our way there, and on the way home.
Oh and don’t forget to MAKE STOPS!! Don’t rush, enjoy the time together. We stopped every 2 hours. Not just for the kids, but for us as well. We stretched our legs, went to the bathroom, had a snack etc.
Now buckle up and hit the road!
Great tips! I will be needing this soon since my son doesn't sleep in the car anymore! 🙂
Glad you liked them! Have a great trip!