If you’re looking for something to do this weekend, check out Bloor- Yorkville Icefest. It’s FREE and great for the whole family. Each year they have a different theme. Last year was “Heat Wave” – a tropical theme. This year, it’s “Frozen in Time”- ancient Egyptian-inspired showcase of striking carvings
Fine restaurants and retailers in the neighbourhood will be serving hot drinks, soups, crepes and more to all visitors. (prices may vary)
If you feel like going at night, I heard all the ice sculptures are all lit up which would look so pretty!
Here are our pictures from last year to get an idea of what to expect:

They have a great area for kids. Smaller ice sculptures for them to look at, including cute little chairs made out of ice to sit in. You can also purchase an “ice kiddie cube” for $2 each day at 2pm, which has a collectable toy inside for your child. As you can see from the pictures below, my son had so much fun trying to get his car out of the ice cube. What’s great is that all funds go to The Heart and Stroke Foundation.

They also have live ice carving demonstrations at certain times throughout the weekend. It’s so fascinating to watch- they are so talented.
If you go on Saturday, starting at Noon, they will have an Ice Carving Competition as well as 3 draws to win prize packages valued up to $2,750!! You can vote for your favourite ice carving sculpture from the competition between 2- 5pm.

For more information on the Bloor-Yorkville Icefest check out their website HERE. They have a great map online that you can print out with all the points of interest including places to park. We used it last year and it helped out a lot.
Don’t forgot to bring your camera!